--- Fantasy Faire 2023
KMH - Hair F227 (☞Spirits’ Crossing Region)
* SK * Saaru Dress (☞The Winding Valley Region)
* SK * Saaru Shoes (☞The Winding Valley Region)
* SK * Saaru Stik (☞The Winding Valley Region)
Photo taken at Spirits’ Crossing Region by The Looking Glass
--- Avatar
KMH - Hair F227 (Fantasy Faire 2023)
[Glam Affair] Kiana [Lelutka EvoX] Flower B (Uber)
[Glam Affair] Kiana Eyes Makeup 2
[Glam Affair] Kiana Blush
AG. Transcendence Eyes - 01 - M
^^Swallow^^ Pixie Gauged S Ears
^^Swallow^^ Earrings Pixie Gauged S01
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f)
* SK * Saaru FATPACK Legacy (Fantasy Faire 2023)
* SK * Saaru FATPACK Shoes Legacy (Fantasy Faire 2023)
* SK * Saaru Stik (Fantasy Faire 2023)
--- Scene
Spirits’ Crossing Region by The Looking Glass
{anc} chemical sparks
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
--- Pose
Poseidon - Nazgul 6