2023 0417 leLAPEAU@KUSTOM9 | The Liaison Collaborative - 22769 ++ Sass



leLAPEAU - Evo X - Kammie Skin - NF Buff

... showing on LeLUTKA. EvoX BRIANNON

--- The Liaison Collaborative (Apr 18 12PM SLT -)

22769 - Wanderlust Drawer

22769 - Wanderlust Sofa

22769 - Wanderlust Wallart

sass [hd] breakfast maker BLACK

--- Avatar

Stealthic - Makeout (KUSTOM9)

leLAPEAU - Evo X - Kammie Skin - NF Buff (Brows) (KUSTOM9)


AGLuminescence Eyes - 09 - A

[LEGACY] Meshbody (f)

RAWR! Happiness Nails Legacy

RAWR! Happiness Rings Legacy

Blueberry - Candy Set - Jacket  & Tops - TSS 10/2 - Legacy

--- Scene

sass [hd] breakfast maker BLACK (The Liaison Collaborative)

22769 - Wanderlust Drawer (The Liaison Collaborative)

22769 - Wanderlust Sofa (The Liaison Collaborative)

22769 - Wanderlust Wallart (The Liaison Collaborative)

22769 - Cafe Au Lait

22769 - Croissant

22769 - Postcards from Paris

22769 - Industrial Barstand

22769 - Metal Crate with Books

22769 - Earth Globe - VIP

22769 - Vintage File Cabinet - COMMON

22769 - Record Player - COMMON

22769 - Magazine Storage - COMMON

22769 - Blanket Box - COMMON

22769 - Ladder Light

22769 - Big Bookshelf - COMMON

22769 - Small Bookshelf - COMMON

[n.i] le.tic.toc

DRD - Scarlett Hotel - Frame lighthouse

ChiMia:: Kobenhavn Loft (Moody Grunge)

{anc} chemical sparks

E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

{-Maru Kado-} Cat2_Cats

--- Pose

Lyrium - Bento Close Up 5 M