--- UNA.@Neo Japan
--- Panic of The Pumpkin in Okinawa
!Celesticat! Venom Eyes - LeLutka Applier x BOM
Tsuru's Artifacts - Kyoto Series 3 Abandoned Restaurant 2
--- Avatar
DOUX - Strawberry Hairstyle (Equal10)
more more. erika skin_honey tone (brown) (Panic of The Pumpkin)
more more. erika blusher (tintable / 100%) (Panic of The Pumpkin)
!Celesticat! Venom Eyes - LeLutka Applier (Panic of The Pumpkin)
Shiny Stuffs EvoX Step Sister Liner
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f)
UNA. Sasami Dress Legacy Red (Neo Japan)
UNA. Sasami Arm Leg./Perky red (Neo Japan)
--- Scene
Tsuru's Artifacts - Kyoto Series 3 Abandoned Restaurant 2 (Panic of The Pumpkin)
Tsuru's Artifacts - Izakaya + Apartment - Abandoned
taikou / utility pole
taikou / Kyoto Road
OLQINU : apocalyptic city <hell address plate>
{-Maru Kado-} SAKURA_ko-ONI
JIAN Akita Summer Wanderer Yukata Pupper
{anc} chemical sparks
E.V.E KOI Glitter Waves
--- Pose
+ Animare