Gloom. - Automatica Collection - Sclera 01
.: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Unborn vFemale
--- Avatar
tram J0324 hair
[Glam Affair] Valentine Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Porcelain B (Collabor88)
LeLUTKA / HEAD / lel EvoX PRIM 3.1
Gloom. - Automatica Collection - Sclera 01 - Red M (Cyber Fair)
[LANEVO] Freeza Horns (Fatpack) (Cyber Fair)
[LANEVO] Freeza Headphones (Fatpack) (Cyber Fair)
[LANEVO] Freeza Mask (Fatpack) (Cyber Fair)
[LEGACY] Meshbody (f)
VENGE - Stiletto Nail - Kabuki
.: Vegas :. Tattoo Unborn vFemale ( Lel Evox )( Light ) (Cyber Fair)
SEKA's U.P. Shoulder (Legacy F)
SEKA's U.P. Chest (Legacy F)
SEKA's No Glitch Arm (Legacy F) L
SEKA's Cyberlita Hand (Legacy F)
SEKA's Glitch/d Belt (Legacy F) (Cyber Fair)
SEKA's Glitch/d Pants (Legacy F) (Cyber Fair)
SEKA's Raptor/Glitch Stomper
--- Scene
(Milk Motion) Volcano
[FD] Temple pagoda
taikou / sashimono banner {click to texture change}
DRD - Xantis - Antenna Debris (DRD X'antis shop)
{anc} chemical sparks
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
--- Pose
Poseidon - Night Sisters 3