2021 1028 DRD - The Scarlet Hotel | Belle Epoque@ITBC

Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal
--- Belle Epoque@ITBC

Belle Epoque - Beatrix - Perky

Belle Epoque - Beatrix Sleeves - Legacy

--- DRD - The Scarlet Hotel Hunt (LM) & Shop

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Barstool

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Ceiling part

DRD SH - Barnett - Light

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Table 1-4

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Chair

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Plant

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Grande piano - Bloody

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Grande piano stool - Bloody

--- Avatar

tram K0925 hair

[Glam Affair] Clara Layer [Lelutka EvoX] Porcelain B (Uber)

[Glam Affair] Clara Eye-Makeup A (Uber)

[Glam Affair] Face Scratches 02


Gloom. - Nymph Collection - Fatpack

Izzie's - Body Veins dark

Legacy (f) Perky

Belle Epoque - Beatrix - Perky (ITBC)

Belle Epoque - Beatrix Sleeves - Legacy (ITBC)

--- Scene

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Barstool

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Ceiling part

DRD SH - Barnett - Light

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Table 1-4

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Chair

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Bar Royal - Plant

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Grande piano - Bloody

DRD Scarlett Hotel - Grande piano - Bloody

DRD New Years Aftermath - Gold Streamer

DRD studios lights 

drd villa rouge building

drd VR stage

{anc} chemical sparks

E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

--- Pose

{NANTRA} Ups & Downs 1M