2020 1018 DRD@Hallow Manor | Samhain - Moon Amore

--- DRD@Hallow Manor

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Denial

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Reality

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Confrontation

--- Samhain

:Moon Amore: Misanthropic Ritual Veil - FATPACK CROWN

:Moon Amore: Misanthropic Ritual Veil -WIDE-  FATPACK

--- Avatar

:Moon Amore: Misanthropic Ritual Veil - FATPACK CROWN (Samhain)

:Moon Amore: Misanthropic Ritual Veil -WIDE-  FATPACK (Samhain)

--- Scene

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Denial (Hallow Manor)

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Reality (Hallow Manor)

DRD - Agony Statue Collection - Confrontation (Hallow Manor)

DRD - Antique Shoppe - Storefront

DRD - Antique Shoppe - Frames

DRD - Backyard Art Studio - Workspace

DRD - Backyard Art Studio - Drying Rack

DRD - Series 01 - Floor Lamp - Dark

DRD - The Cemetery - Angel Statue -  One Soul Less

DRD - The Cemetery - Angel Statue -  Those We Love

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Paper Pile

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Hat Box / Hands

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Suitcase / Heads

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Suitcase / Hands & Feet

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Frames / Torsos

DISORDERLY. / Forgotten / Chair Pile

22769 - Anvil - COMMON

OLQINU : gothic nightmare <raven statue> RARE

Violetility - Wandcraft Chisels

{anc} chemical sparks

E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

--- Pose

Stardust - Guardian - 05 Bento Pose

+ Animare