2019 1231 DRD@uber | The Epiphany - Glam Affair & S0NG & -FABIA- | UZME Poses@Japonica | [Aleutia] Faith Outfit


--- DRD@uber

 -DRD- Mulled Wine Stand -

  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Counter Clutter
  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Prep Station
  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Pretzel Stand
  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Sign One
  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Sign Two (click for wine)
  DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Trailer

--- [Aleutia]

  [Aleutia] Faith Outfit

--- UZME Poses@Japonica


--- The Epiphany (Mirror)

 - [Glam Affair] - Hazel Applier [Genus] Gacha by Aida Ewing

  [Glam Affair] Hazel Applier [Genus ] 007 - 08

 - -FABIA- Gacha <Denise/Debbie/Deborah> by FABIA HAIR

  -FABIA- Gacha <Denise>

 - {S0NG} :: Snowfall Eyes Gacha by {S0NG}

  {S0NG} Snowfall Eye // Woods - Omega Applier

--- Avatar

-FABIA- <Denise> (The Epiphany)
[Glam Affair] Hazel Applier [Genus ] 007 - 08 (The Epiphany)
{S0NG} Snowfall Eye // Woods (The Epiphany)
GENUS Project - Genus Head - Baby Face
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
[Aleutia] Faith Outfit

--- Scene

DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Counter Clutter (uber)
DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Prep Station (uber)
DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Pretzel Stand (uber)
DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Sign One (uber)
DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Sign Two (click for wine) (uber)
DRD - Mulled Wine Stand - Trailer (uber)
DRD - Scrappy Scooter - Red Stripe - Loaded
DRD - Junkyard Corner - Table
DRD - Recycled Garden Nook - Gas Can Lamp
(Milk Motion) vineyard picnic - vine 1 - 3
(Milk Motion) vineyard picnic - stringlight
(Milk Motion) vineyard picnic -  skybox
{what next} Autumn Bicycle Decor
The Looking Glass TLG - The Shrine Tree Grass Clumps
{anc} chemical sparks {dust}
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

xin. kolouk husky (cookies!)

--- Pose

UZME Poses - Oriental22 (Japonica)