2019 0212 DRD@Eclipse Event | {aii}@Frou Frou

Bring me to life

--- DRD@Eclipse Event (Feb 13th 3PM SLT~)

  DRD - Funeral Carriage - Hearse

--- {aii}@Frou Frou

 + Vampiric Countess Nightwear + {aii}

  + Vampiric Countess Nightwear Tall Collar Slink + {aii}
  + Vampiric Countess Nightwear Suit HG + {aii}

--- Avatar

tram H0928 hair2
Glam Affair Morgana Applier [ Lelutka ] 002 - 04
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
+ Vampiric Countess Nightwear Tall Collar Slink + {aii}(Frou Frou)
+ Vampiric Countess Nightwear Suit HG + {aii}(Frou Frou)

--- Scene

DRD - Funeral Carriage - Hearse (Eclipse Event)
DRD - San Mora - Smashed Vehicle - F
DRD - San Mora - Creepy Van - Ambulance
DRD - SC Street Scene street lights c/m
DRD - Series 01 - Smoking Chair One - Dark
DRD - Series 01 - Smoking Chair Two - Dark
DISORDERLY. / Experimental / Fluid Display
.random.Matter. - I'm Okay - Syringe [Pink]
.random.Matter. - Im Okay - IV Pole [Blue] - RARE
*bbqq*-Hospital bed
(Milk Motion) the midnight man
{anc} cracked glass (mist)
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

CURELESS[+] Sororis Obscura / Bats

--- Pose

Poseidon - Evil nurse 6rev