2018 1231 Lootbox - The Forge & ANATOMY | The Forge@Man CaveKatherine

Down The Rabbit Hole

--- Lootbox

 - [The Forge] - Katherine Gacha

  [The Forge] Bunny Girl Mask, Oil - Rare
  [The Forge] Katherine Bra.
  [The Forge] Katherinel, Pants.
  [The Forge] Katherine, Boots.

 - ANATOMY - Refraction Eyes Gacha

  ANATOMY - Refraction Eyes - Anaglyph Secret - OMEGA - Rare

---  [The Forge]@Man Cave

  [EZ] Horus Spear

--- Avatar

Tableau Vivant \\ Jim hair
Glam Affair Vera
ANATOMY - Refraction Eyes - Anaglyph Secret (Lootbox)
[The Forge] Bunny Girl Mask, Oil - Rare (Lootbox)
[The Forge] Katherine Bra. (Lootbox)
[The Forge] Katherinel, Pants. (Lootbox)
[The Forge] Katherine, Boots. (Lootbox)
[The Forge] [EZ] Horus Spear (Man Cave)

--- Scene

"Moon_Sha" Rabbit Hole - FULL
DRD - Their Last Christmas - Cabin
DRD - Swamp Shack - Tree
Titans - ThisWayThatWay Tree - WithSigns
Cerridwen's Cauldron [CC] Gaia Underbrush
DISORDERLY. / Light me Up / Ground Balloons / REZ / Black (Busan)
CURELESS+[n.i] aliceinmonsterland / 05 / marchhare
CURELESS+[n.i] aliceinmonsterland / 04 / whiterabbit
CURELESS+[n.i] aliceinmonsterland / 08 / jabberwocky
Dahlia - Curious  - Key , Pocket Watch & Cards
+Half-Deer+ Pastel Confetti - Big
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
{anc} cotton bunny. sugar

--- Pose

Poseidon - Goddess of Death 7 + Animare