2018 1004 [The Forge]@Neo Japan

--- [The Forge]@Neo Japan

[The Forge] Phonics Headset, Cobalt
[The Forge] Ishi Dress
[The Forge] Vyper Katana, Steel

--- Avatar

Sintiklia Hair Leia Bento Fitted
Insol Josy CATWA applier, tone 'Tanned' (uber)
[INK] Female Eyebrows06 /Catwa Appliers (Neo Japan)
Wednesday[+] ~ Vampy Eyelashes
ANATOMY - Tiered Eyes - Cyber Secret OMEGA (Lootbox)
ANATOMY - CYBER EYE  - PURPLE optional glow pupil add-on
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
[The Forge] Hexxed Arm, R
[The Forge] Ocullas Arm L
[The Forge] [EZ] Slayer Blowdart Sheath (Fem)

--- Scene

NOMAD // Pripyat Indoor Pool
DRD - post apoc camp crashed plane
DRD - San Mora - Survival Storage - Pallet Pack
DRD - San Mora - Building - Center Plaza
D-LAB SP3-08-SKY food town-shops
[ isuka ] kowloon backdrop
OLQINU : cyber survivor <neon sign [foundation]> 17
OLQINU : cyber survivor <neon sign [lost city]> 12
{anc} hailstorm {miracle}
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

--- Pose

Poseidon - The Damned Assassin 2