2018 0826 Tee*fy Ava Dress & Tableau Vivant Lordie Hair@uber


--- Tee*fy@uber

  Tee*fy Ava Dress - Paradise - Maitreya

--- Tableau Vivant

  Tableau Vivant \\ Lordie hair@uber
  Tableau Vivant \\ Catwa hairbase 01@Main Store

--- Avatar

Tableau Vivant \\ Lordie hair (uber)
Insol Tina applier (Collabor88)
Wednesday[+] ~ Vampy Eyelashes
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara

taikou & momento . red knife keys
BTTBxFKCN havet bag

--- Scene

(Milk Motion) sub level 1 - The car park - RARE
(Milk Motion) car park barrier
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
DRD - The Pack Rat - White - Static Car
Kalopsia - Hilly's Suitcases Chair

xin. kolouk husky (cookies!)

--- Pose

FOXCITY. Lolita-6m