2018 0529 [White~Widow] Anon Tattoo@Kinky | ++Twilight++ Listen to the rain Skybox@SaNaRae


--- [White~Widow]@Kinky

  [White~Widow] Anon Tattoo - Pink

--- ++Twilight++@SaNaRae

  ++Twilight++ Listen to the rain Skybox

--- Avatar

tram G0511 hair
Insol 'Lamined' lashes (Catwa)
Insol Lona Skin (KUSTOM9)
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Blueberry - Wet Shirt - Maitreya
Blueberry - Rie - Torn Jeans - BlueberryBooty - Maitreya

--- Scene

++Twilight++ Listen to the rain Skybox (SaNaRae)
DRD - SC Metro Bus c/m
taikou / vending machine (gum)
taikou / vending machine (soda)
Soy. CSC - Vending machine [Drink]
Soy. CSC - Hot noodle [decor]
HPMD* Garden Tree08 - green b
HPMD* Shrub - green*a
{anc} chemical sparks  {dust}
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

xinkolouk husky (cookies!)
Birdy - Boudoir - Pom - Tan static stand RARE

--- Pose

Poseidon Poses Sukeban 4rev