2018 0405 Blueberry - Liza - Corset Hoodie Dress x #Foxy - Angel Hair | taikou nighttime bus stop backdrop
--- Blueberry Main Store Release
Blueberry - Liza - Corset Hoodie Dress (Hood up)
--- Collaborative hair by #Foxy
#Foxy - Angel. [Hoodie Fit]
--- taikou@Neo Japan
taikou / nighttime bus stop backdrop
--- Avatar
Insol May applier (CATWA)
Insol 'Princess Casket' gacha - A3 Lashes (KUSTOM9)
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
--- Scene
taikou / local pay phone (with table)
taikou / bus stop signboard
{what next} Autumn Bicycle Decor
{what next} Sunflowers Bicycle Decor
Mikunch Retro bicycle (cute cream)(rez) 5
DRD - San Mora - Overpass
DRD - SC Street Scene street lights
ionic : Japanese Road sign
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
E.V.E KOI Glitter Waves
Mutresse Witty Cats
--- Pose
FOXCITY. Stairs (Standing)-1