2018 0309 Tee*fy Jayden Hoodie@Main Store - Promo Price + FLF | [White~Widow]@Skin Fair 2018 | (Milk Motion)@The Arcade


--- Tee*fy MainStore Release

Tee*fy Jayden Hoodie - Osaka - Hourglass

Promotional price 80L + Black version is FLF item this week - 50L.

--- [White~Widow]@Skin Fair 2018

[White~Widow] Hanabi Tattoo - Pink

--- (Milk Motion)@The Arcade

(Milk Motion) love hotel - The love hotel

--- Avatar

tram H0223 hair (Collabor88)
Insol Kiki Skin for CATWA (uber)
+ Tainted Lady Make up & Lashes + {aii} - Lashes
AG. Gleaming Eyes
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Tee*fy Jayden Hoodie - Osaka - Hourglass
Tee*fy Brenna Skirt -Black- Hourglass
Blueberry - Mili - Boots&Stockings - Hourglass

--- Scene

(Milk Motion) love hotel - The love hotel (The Arcade)
Tres Blah - Slumber Party - Overnight Bag
[Con.] Travellers Desk - Travelled Suitcase 2
Peach N' Cream  - 'Game of Phones' PeachPhone
{anc} fairyteil light field
{anc} bokeh {gold}

--- Pose

Le Poppycock *Phenomenal* A - Defies description