2018 0219 [Canimal]@Rewind | {NANTRA}@The Gacha Garden

you win

--- [Canimal]@Rewind

[Canimal] Millennium

--- {NANTRA}@The Gacha Garden

{NANTRA} UItimate Catch Bento Pose - Ultimate Catch 3

--- Avatars

Doe: Coco /Fitted/ [twotone] - Browns
Insol: Carrie Skin (VISTA main store )
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara

tomoto, kurogo purple

--- Scene

D-LAB SP3-06-SKY food town-shop01-syouronpou
D-LAB SP3-08-SKY food town-shop03-nikuman
D-LAB SP3-14-SKY food town-shop09-syumai
Apple Fall Hanging Wicker Basket
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
{anc} Confetti.

JIAN Chicken Collection :: Wanderer (Rez me!)

--- Pose

{NANTRA} UItimate Catch - Ultimate Catch 3 (The Gacha Garden)