2018 0213 Blueberry - Sammy Jeans@Main Store| Flores 2K18 pose pack | The Epiphany - {-Maru Kado-} &.Olive & Peaches 'N Cream


--- Blueberry Main Store Release

Blueberry - Sammy Jeans - #2 Booty - Hourglass

--- FLORES Main Store Release

2K18 POSE PACK - Sweetheart (F)

--- The Epiphany

{-Maru Kado-} - Oil Stove Gacha by u10 nitta (shiro0822)

{-Maru Kado-} Oil Stove_Yellow
{-Maru Kado-} Sleep Cat 1-5

.Olive. Epiphany Exclusive by Rosie Bun Doe (naminaeko)

.Olive. the Ai Ling Hair *Exclusive*
.Olive. the Katie Bear Ears // Streaks *Exclusive*

- Peach N' Cream  - Basic As Fuck. Fuckboy Say What? - by lα peтιтe peαcн (imaginerabbits) & Dream Daddy (bodytothestars)

Peaches 'N Cream - 'Emotional Baggage' Handbag Clutter
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Get yo' Shit Together" Adorbs Planner
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Planet Of the Vapes' Electric Vape
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Kiss & Makeup' Makeup Clutter
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Extra Creamy' Peachbucks Frap {wear}
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Game of Phones' PeachPhone
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Time on my Hands' PeachWatch
Peaches 'N Cream - 'Like Totes Adorbs' Meh Tote {wear}

--- Avatar

.Olive. the Ai Ling Hair (The Epiphany) *Exclusive*
Insol: Diana skin
Insol: "Lily Collection" Brows/Gross/Lips (CATWA)
+ Tainted Lady Make up & Lashes + {aii} - Lashes
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Blueberry - Zuzu - Knotted Tops - Hourglass

--- Scene

Sari-Sari - A Vacation Dream - Floor Pillow (Sunshine)
Soy. Apartment [Jyoukyo-House] Skybox type
Soy. Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Plant - B
Soy. Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Plant - C
Soy. Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Plant - D
Soy. Shitamachi Alley Garden - Potted Plant - K
MonkeyGirl [MG]My Beach Gacha Beachsandal LBlue F1
The Secret Store - Arty Books
The Secret Store - Framed Art
 -ANHELO- M39WA-177GA :: block wall

--- Pose

FLORES 2K18 POSE PACK - Sweetheart (F)