2018 0130 Blueberry - Laura - Sweater and Corset Dress@Main Store | The Epiphany - anxiety, Anatomy & Sintiklia


--- Blueberry Main Store Release

Blueberry - Laura - Croped Sweater - Hourglass
Blueberry - Laura - Corset Dress - Hourglass

--- The Epiphany (Mirror)

anxiety %psychowave gacha by joseph ( anxiety )

anxiety %psychowave 2manygames
anxiety %psychowave break up tv
anxiety %psychowave taste in music
anxiety %psychowave daddy issues
anxiety %psychowave lameboy (add)
anxiety %psychowave melted dreams
anxiety %psychowave no-book
anxiety %psychowave secret weapon
anxiety %psychowave taste in music
anxiety %pyschowave bedroom RARE
anxiety %pyschowave cool kids table

ANATOMY - Magical Eyes -  Purple Pink OMEGA

- Sintiklia - Insta girl by Sintiklia

[MAT]Hair Bay Full Bento FITTED

--- Avatar

Sintiklia [MAT]Hair Bay Full Bento FITTED (The Epiphany) (Mirror)
Insol: Diana skin
Insol: "Lily Collection" Brows/Gross/Lips (CATWA)
+ Tainted Lady Make up & Lashes + {aii} - Lashes
ANATOMY - Magical Eyes -  Purple Pink OMEGA (The Epiphany) (Mirror)
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass

--- Scene

E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
JIAN :: Forest Cat

--- Pose

Le Poppycock  *Windblown* B - Wilderness heart Animare