2017 0604 Eaters Coma - Side Snap Pants + (Milk Motion) Road to nowhere

Road to Nowhere

--- Eaters Coma Main Store Release

Eaters Coma - Side Snap Pants
(Stripe / 16 colors - Snap / 16 colors - Underwear / 14 colors, TMP , Physique , Hourglass , Maitreya)

--- (Milk Motion)@The Arcade

(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - milk motel - RARE
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - Desert land - RARE
(Milk Motion) road to nowhere - office
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - Bushes s
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - Bushes XL
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - cactus w/ pots
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - dream neon
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - neon 1
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - Plants w/ fireflies
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - rocks and plants
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - vacancy sign
(Milk Motion) Road to nowhere - wild cactus
--- Avatar

24K - HAIR 04
Insol: Yolo Skin
IKON Hope Eyes - Sky
Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass/Hands - Dynamic
Tres Blah - Bib Tank Top (Hourglass) - Black

--- Scene

Tres Blah - Slumber Party - Overnight Bag
Tres Blah - Golden Cage - Sweet Nothings
[Con.] Travellers Desk - Travelled Suitcase 2
[Con.] Wax On/Wax Off Convertible - Yellow
DRD - San Mora - Sedan - Blue
{anc} mist cloud
[DDD] Bessie the Cow 
Foxes - Urban Fallout - Hound - Grey

--- Pose

*Eternal Dream* Iris 08
FATE Hand Poser HUD