2017 0320 NAMINOKE Magic wand & anklet gacha@LootBox


--- NAMINOKE@LootBox (Mar 20th 8pm)

- NAMINOKE Magic wand & anklet gacha
*N*Magic wand1 wind
*N*Magic Anklet feather blue(loot box item)
(wear and click to cast spell :) )


{vincue} Eerie+Top - Sweet
{vincue} Eerie+Short - Sweet

--- [White~Widow]

(top) [White~Widow] Wonder - Black (The Liaison Collaborative )
(bottom) [White~Widow] Silence - Black (Main store release)

--- Avatar

Tableau Vivant \\ Hairplay - Front Blow - Funky (The Arcade)
Insol: Nicole skin (uber ) 
[Buzz] Zodiac Eyes - Angel

Slink Physique Mesh Body Hourglass
Slink Hands - Dynamic - Female

--- Scene

{anc} forget. Swallow [skyblue]
{anc} forget. Swallow [naturalblack]
{anc} NO LIMITS.old electric pole[wash] 13Li
(Milk Motion) roofs of Paris - The roofs - RARE (copy/mod)
NOMAD // Ballet Academy
Scarlet Creative - The Arcade: Venice Palazzo Vinci Prefab
Scarlet Creative  Huntsman Manor
unKindness uK - Paradise Pier Off-Sim RARE
unKindness uK - Public Housing Off-Sim RARE

--- Pose

{NanTra} Just Wanna Have Fun 5M