2016 1204 E.V.E, Pixicat, !dM deviousMind@We Love Role-Play

Ice Crystals

--- We<3RP (Starts Dec 4th 1PM SLT)

E.V.E Atlantis Ice Crystals

[100% Original Mesh Design/ Materials Enabled/ Animated Mesh Particles Lights/ Winter Collection/Art Installation/ Decor/ Copy & Modify]

Read the Specs, the How To use and more:


!dm deviousMind !dM Duneyrr - WinterHorns (strings) **PEARL**

-Pixicat- Explorer.

--- Avatar

Tableau Vivant \\ My Holiday Afternoon [A] - Blonds (The Arcade)
Insol: face Candy (CATWA), ST01 'Milk' (uber )
Insol: Candy frosty blush  (uber )
IKON Promise Eyes - Ice
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - L - Splayed
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands - R - Splayed

--- Scene

E.V.E Koi Glitter Puffs

--- Pose

*ED* Alassra 04 mirror