---E.V.E@The Chapter Four (blog) (key)
[100% Original Mesh Design / Materials Enabled/ Dystopia Ed./ Unisex/ Environment Lights / Type of packs: Common, Rare & Ultra Rare/ Modify and Trans]
• Color Petals (5 commons): Bronze, B&W, Pink, Purple, & Blue
• Color Petals (3 Rares): Gold, Silver, Black Chrome
• Ultra Rare: Chained Tree. Includes a “curious about you” animated version and non animated one
--- Avatar
Tableau Vivant \\ Starry Night \\ Windy - Funky
Insol: Skin Mia, ST03 'Peach' (Tres Chic)
{S0NG} :: Juniel~ Peach Eyes
Maitreya Mesh Body V3.5
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - L - Fist
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - R - Fist
E.V.E Venus in She {White Wind Sea Outfit}
--- Scene
E.V.E Tornado Nebula Eye Blue [Day]
--- Pose