2016 1001 Astralia - Dead bird for The Gacha Guardian

Dead Bird Town

--- Astralia for The Gacha Guardian

Astralia - Dead Bird mask blue
Astralia - Dead Bird necklace blue
Astralia - Dead bird cage blue
Astralia - Dead Bird RARE L wing
Astralia - Dead Bird RARE R wing
Astralia - Dead Bird sickle (Gift of the guardians!)

How to play @Gacha Guardians event!
Get the HUD (you can find it @Astralia mainstore), it will lead you in all the participating stores.
In each location click the magic stone and if you want play the gacha.
Every time you play 10 times the same gacha machine you will be given a key.

After visiting ALL the stores (this means you touched all the stones) you will gain the access to the treasure prizes location.
There you will receive the special prizes using the keys you have collected previously playing the different brands’ gachas. 1 key = 1 prize!

NB: To unlock a treasure prize of a certain brand you need to win the key in the same brand machine located at the mainstore. So if you want to win special “Dead Bird sickle” you need to play 10 times the gacha machine @Astralia Mainstore.

Good luck!

--- Avatar

*ARGRACE* Saki - Strawberry Blonde
Insol: Skin Mia, ST03 'Peach' (Tres Chic)
Maitreya Mesh Body & Feet  - Lara V3.5
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - L - Elegant
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - R - bag
[White~Widow] Invictus Tattoo

--- Scene

DRD MM2 hanging dolls 1
DRD MM2 Eowyn's pile of junk
DRD MM2 Jaimy's pile of junk
DRD MM2 Toys  Haunted rocking horse
*Shai*  Skelly Dinner Guest - Eat
*Shai*  Skelly Dinner Guest - On Ground
*Shai*  Skelly Dinner Guest - Reach
{anc} mist cloud
Apt B // Forgotten Corner - Setup RARE

--- Pose

*ED* Alassra 01 Animare