2016 0211 NAMINOKE Unicorn and Moon accessories for The Enchantment

NAMINOKE Unicorn and Moon accessories
--- 波野家 NAMINOKE new release for The Enchantment starts Feb 13th.

*N*UNICORN Forehead ornament flower
*N*UNICORN Forehead ornament HORN
*N*Moon Bracelet L - Hunt item (Hunt item!)
*N*Moon Bracelet R - Hunt item (Hunt item!)

--- Avatar
.LeLutka.Cassie medium hair
LeLutka.Mesh Head-SIMONE v1.5
[the Skinnery] London Applier

--- Scene
DRD studios set forest
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass07
HPMD* Sweet Garden Grass06 - mix(cool colors)
HPMD* HPMD* Shrub - green*

(fd) cats