Take a photo of HAPPY DIPATCH wall stool available @The Arcade and add your photo to HD Flickr group, then wait...
Details here.
--- Prop
[HD]Multi Couple pose 19 to 21 (Gift)
--- Avatar on the left
*Tentacio* Galatea Head (Vamp B) (from The Arcade)
*Tentacio* Galatea Doll. Body Skeleton (from The Arcade)
*Tentacio* Galatea Doll Bra and Thong / Silver (from The Arcade)TRUTH HAIR Vixen
--- Avatar on the right
Vampire Fabian (Default av :D )
--- Decor
[HD] Wall side stool<COUPLE> (from The Arcade)
DRD MM walltextures (from The Arcade)
Zaara [home] : 1 Jodhpur house