2020 0207 Enchantment The Princess Bride Round Starts Feb 8th - Infinity, Titans x The Looking Glass & Le Poppycock


--- Enchantment The Princess Bride Round (Feb 8th~)

 - Infinity

  Infinity_princess bride RED

 - The Looking Glass

  TLG - The Tree of Florin Swing Seat Light
  TLG - The Tree of Florin Swing Seat Dark

 - Titans

  Titans - The Tree of Florin - Fantasy
  Titans - The Tree of Florin - Natural

 - Le Poppycock

  Le Poppycock  *Buttercup Farm*  -Hold Fast to Dreams
  (Bento Pose & Chicken Props)

--- Avatar

Tableau Vivant \\ Didi hair
[Glam Affair] Thora Layer [Lelutka] 005 A (uber)
Avi-Glam Starry Eyes
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
Infinity_princess bride RED (Enchantment)

--- Scene

Titans - The Tree of Florin - Fantasy (Enchantment)
Titans - The Tree of Florin - Natural (Enchantment)
The Looking Glass TLG - The Tree of Florin Swing Seat Light (Enchantment)
The Looking Glass TLG - The Tree of Florin Swing Seat Dark (Enchantment)
The Looking Glass TLG - Dawn's Promise Orange Flower Field
The Looking Glass TLG - Dawn's Promise Blue Flower Field
DRD - Rustic Barbecue - Barn
(Milk Motion) The meadow skybox
[DDD] Bessie the Cow

--- Pose

Le Poppycock *Buttercup Farm*  -Hold Fast to Dreams & Props (Enchantment)