2019 0329 Lootbox - !dm deviousMind & Poseidon


--- Lootbox

 - !dm deviousMind "Viera" Gacha

  !dM Viera - LARA ornamentedHare **ALL COLORS** (rare)
  !dM Viera - LARA BoleroJacket **LILAC**
  !dM Viera - LARA RuffleBodice **LILAC**
  !dM Viera - LARA BunnyTail **LILAC**
  !dM Viera - LARA Ornamented BunnyBoots **ALL COLORS** (rare)

 - Poseidon - Pop/Stars Gacha

  Poseidon - Pop/Stars Gacha - 2. Akali 7 Bento Pose

--- Avatar

Glam Affair Mary [ Lelutka ] 005 (uber)
.LeLutkaBento Head-KORINA
AG. Angelic Eyes
Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara
!dm Viera - LARA ornamentedHare **ALL COLORS** (rare) (Lootbox)
!dm Viera - LARA BoleroJacket **LILAC** (Lootbox)
!dm Viera - LARA RuffleBodice **LILAC** (Lootbox)
!dm Viera - LARA BunnyTail **LILAC** (Lootbox)
!dm Viera - LARA Ornamented BunnyBoots **ALL COLORS** (rare) (Lootbox)

--- Scene

"Moon_Sha" Rabbits Family - White
"Moon_Sha" Rabbit Hole - FULL
The Looking Glass TLG - Dawn's Promise Blue Flower Field Large
The Looking Glass TLG - Dawn's Promise Pink Flower Field Large
The Looking Glass TLG - Dawn's Promise Yellow Flower Field Large
Little Branch LB_WildGrass*1Li{Green}
*alirium* DownyGrass [Dried]
(Milk Motion) road to nowhere -  Desert Land
{anc} mist cloud
{anc} chemical sparks {dust}
E.V.E KOI Glitter Waves
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist

--- Pose

Poseidon - Pop/Stars Gacha - 2. Akali 7 (Lootbox)