2018 0416 DRD- Junkyard Corner Set +Gift for Fameshed Go


--- DRD for Fameshed Go

-DRD- Junkyard Corner Set

 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Bar Shelf
 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Stool - Blue
 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Stool - Red
 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Table
 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Wall Shelf

 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Armchair - Blue (Fameshed Go - Gift)
 DRD - Junkyard Corner - Armchair - Red (Fameshed Go - Gift)

--- Avatar

#Foxy - Mishi. [Hoodie Fit]
Insol Talvia applier, (CATWA) (Collabor88)
Insol 'Princess Casket' gacha  - A3 Lashes
AG. Charm Eyes - Sky
Maitreya Mesh Body/Hands - Lara
Blueberry - Liza - Corset Dress - Hood Up - Maitreya
Blueberry - Foxy Boots - Materials On - Maitreya

--- Scene

(Milk Motion) under construction penthouse (uber)
DRD - The Trashy Executive Carpet - Smoking
DRD - The Trashy Executive Table - Full
DRD - San Mora - Building - B (overgrown)
DRD - San Mora - Building - C (overgrown)
DRD - San Mora - Building - Warehouse
DRD - San Mora - Street Stuff - Street Light - A
dust bunny . potted dragon tree
dust bunny . giant palm plant
+Half-Deer+ Fast Food Clutter
{vespertine} - potted pink echeveria
{vespertine} - rainbow succulent bowl
[ Organica ] Waterfall 3 (Part of)
Skye Water System
{anc} chemical sparks  {dust}
E.V.E Flowers of the Mist
E.V.E Sunny Spells M02 - w/ Glitter (We Love Role-Play)

*tentacio* {PSYCHO:Byts}. Hopeless future - Ridley common cat
*tentacio* {PSYCHO:Byts}. Hopeless future - Roy common cat
*tentacio* {PSYCHO:Byts}. Hopeless future - Cat rare

--- Pose

Poseidon Poses Hot Coffee Blues 3