2016 0916 Cole's Corner - Valkyrie Particle Effects@The Secret Affair


--- Cole's Corner Particle Effects@The Secret Affair

**CC** - Valkyrie Gold Aura
**CC** - Valkyrie Halo Gold
**CC** - Valkyrie Hand Gold
**CC** - Valkyrie Hand Gold
**CC** - Valkyrie Eyes  *Glow Contact*  (Gold) (l. eye) *modify
**CC** - Valkyrie Eyes  *Glow Contact*  (Gold) (r. eye) *modify

--- Avatar

tram E819 hair
Insol: Face 'Ashley' -ST03 'Peach'
IKON Promise Eyes- Parchment
Maitreya Mesh Body  V3.5
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - L - Bag
Slink Avatar Enhancement Hands V2.5.1 - R - Bag

[White~Widow] Shallows - Black - RARE
.AiShA. Veleda Robe M Darkness (Mainstore and We Love Role-Play)

--- Scene

DRD MM2 Pile of chairs (The Arcade)
DRD MM2 Tito's pile of junk (The Arcade)
DRD MM2 Jaimy's pile of junk (The Arcade)
ELYSIUM - Pebblesstones /curves (L)|(R) - brown granite
Stormwood - Cobblestone Floor
Scarlet Creative  Huntsman Manor

--- Pose

*Eternal Dream* Sorceress 09
A&M MOCAP *04_Industrial Techno EBM